Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


Maafkan aku teman2...


disebabkan karena anggota blog ini udah pada punya blog semua...

ini blog mereka :

Biya, Dhila, Meutia, Vidya,

pengecualian : Faren gak punya blog!

sekarang Balonerz udah bubar dan digantikan ole EQUIVALENT TRADER yang lebih rame dan asik..
Lagian Balonerz bkn geng atw semacamnya hanya sebuah grup yg tdny mw ngebuat vocal group tapi gak ada yg niatnya kua.. BUBARLAH SEMUA!

info tentang ET (bc:EQUIVALENT TRADER) bisa dilihat disini.


Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Evanescence - Bring me to life..

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

now that I know what I’m without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

(Bring me to life)
I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
(Bring me to life)

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009

Trailer Kambingjantan versi lagu “Jangan Mati Rasty”

Translation Amrita

Listen and you can hear the distant sound of someone humming a familiar song,
like sacred nectar, like a dream
Let me sleep surrounded by it
Why is the world being washed away in contradictions and helplessness?
At sunset,
we always watched the madder-red clouds together
but you can't be with me anymore
When the silver rain began to fall, I thought that it was a part of me
and I dried my tears
The shooting stars that rain straight down
on your body, on your shoulders, are amurita
Your heart can feel the nights
when the earth itself is crying
If your wounds are hurting you,
shoot your wish as an arrow up to the sky
When the silver rain began to fall, I thought that it was a part of me
Please stop the passing of time
The sound of raindrops echoes across the horizon,
something definite that,
in those days, was amrita
When the silver rain began to fall, I thought that it was a part of me
and I dried my tears
Shooting stars cascade straight down and become the rain that falls on you...amrita

Someday - John Legend

As days go by
And fade to nights
I still question
Why you left
I wonder how
It didn't work out
But now you're gone
And memories all I have for now
But no it's not over
We'll get older we'll get over
We'll live to see the day that I hope for
Come back to me
I still believe that
We'll get it right again
We'll come back to life again
We won't say another goodbye again
You'll live forever with me
Someday, someday
We'll be together
Someday, someday
We'll be together
I heard someday
Might be today
Mysteries of destinies they
Are somehow
And are someway
For all we know
They come tomorrow
For today
My eyes are open
My arms are raised for your embrace
My hands are here to mend what is broken
To feel again to walk on the face
I believe there is more to life
Oh I love you much more than life
And still
I believe I can change your mind
Revive what is dying inside
And someday, someday
We'll be together
Someday, someday
We'll be together
Someday, someday
We'll be together
We'll be together
We'll be together

Senin, 19 Januari 2009

i have got an idea

gimana kalo balonerz jadi nama pekumpulan kita? [ yahhh sbenernya sih kalo kasarnya GENK]
so 10 orang yang ntar gue sebut harus masuk..yahh kalo istilah vampire kan new-born vampire kalo kita ada old vampire,ada new born balonerz hwakakakaka.jadi asuka, chiharu, argand bisa ikutan sebagai new born with pelantikan dengan excalibur [lebay]
yaahhhh... kalo anak balonerz nolak sih gappapa..... padus bukan jadi penghalang persahabatan kan? pa lagi japanesse [ tapi perasaan gue nak nak semuanya udah pada japanesse ya?]

5 ank calon new born balonerz
  1. argand
  2. ninis
  3. ghana
  4. jolie
  5. daniyyah
yah kan kalo ditotalin ma balonerz kan penduduk uks jadi 10
plus calon sahabat baru [alah pake calon nee] yaitu ana saamaa prili [suit suit ]

yaaa pokoknya gitu lahh
oh iya gue pingin ngucapin
Good luck!!!!!!
untuk pameran besok

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

Sing a song

The best song that I ever sung is "CAN I HAVE THIS DANCE" with Faren and Dhila.

Maaf klo posting ini sgtlah tidak PENTING

Rabu, 14 Januari 2009

Bajaj oh bajaj..

Hari ini, gw, Mut2, Ninis, Vidya, dan Argand, pergi berkunjung kerumah Ninis seusai latihan SALSA(lebih tepatnya NGOBROL doang)

Kita pergi menuju rumahnya NInis dengan menggunakan sebuah Bajaj(kendaraan umum bkn PRIBADI). 5in1 ditambah supir jadi 6in1.
Ada 5 orang penumpang naek bajaj. Mending bajaj yg versi baru, kita naek BAJAJ OLD VERSION pula. Oleh karena ituw... ARGAND dengan sangat terpaksa duduk disebelah sopir bajaj, SEBELAH SOPIR BAJAJ?
Spanjang jalan Kita nutupin muka,
secara MALU gitu..
Hha... Spanjang jalan orang2 ngeliatin geetohh, MALU ABIESS...
Sebenernya yg paling malu Vye sama Argand, soalnya mreka di deket pintu, jadi mukanya ke expose geetohh..
Alhasil mreka berupaya menutupi muka mreka dgn barang seadanya..
Gw sih sama Ninis ktawa2 aj..
tapi mutia dengan gobloknya malah senyam senyum sama orang yang lewt trus dia kayak kesenengan getoh... yah namanya jga manusia bodoh spesies ada band... halah..

Ckckck.... Kasian tukang bajajnya.. hahahahaha........
Tapi gw rasa yg paling bgt malu ARGAND, Yaiyalah, secara duduk sbelah sopir bajaj..
Hahahahhaha.... Masih pgn ktawa gw...

OKeh, soal dirumah Ninis gak usah diceritain. M-A-L-E-S. hehehe.....

yawdah gitu deh.... hahahahahhahahaha......


p.s.(jujur gw gak tau ini singkatan apa, cuma ngikut, haha..) :
Klo ada yg mau nambahin, tambahin aja okeh??

Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

pembenaran dari komentar vidya di blog gue

siapa bilang gue udah nonton?
karena menurut gue bagus gue rekomendasi aja... wakkkakaka

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009